The critically acclaimed 2020 film Just Mercy brings to life the powerful and thought-provoking true story of newly-minted lawyer Bryan Stevenson and his history-making battle for justice on behalf of innocent people wrongfully convicted. Stevenson’s story of navigating multiple levels of appeal and habeas corpus review, serving the most underserved criminal defendants, and confronting the demons of overt racism and implicit bias presents a perfect catalyst for engaging conversations about the cracks and flaws in our system, and what seemingly “ordinary” lawyers can do about it.
Following up on our previous webinar, this program will dive deeper into practical steps that individual lawyers can take in providing greater access to justice for the underserved.
Once again, to make sure this program is practical and well-informed, we will be joined in this conversation by a crew of folks “in the trenches”—not only those who have been doing the hard work of seeking exoneration for the innocent, but also some of the grateful clients who have benefited from that work.
And as always, Michael Kahn, JD, LPC will provide practical tips and strategies for engaging in this gut-wrenching work without burning out in the process.